How Sana is changing the game for knowledge sharing 和 growth opportunities at AddLife 和 its 85 subsidiaries

作者:John Thornberg, AddLife商业卓越经理






2,300-person company made up of 85 subsidiary companies had no LMS 和 was running training efforts manually. A core part of the business model is focused on upskilling employees to boost performance of the companies, so not having an end-to-end global solution that could be controlled centrally was holding back their potential.


Implementing Sana helped AddLife realize its vision of having all learning 和 development, 网络的机会, 最佳实践分享, 强制性的培训, 信息共享在一个地方. 参与率和完成率都在上升, 和 they predict the knowledge-sharing opportunities created by the platform will help them achieve their biggest KPIs.

“We’ve always been proud of our knowledge-sharing 和 networking. But we didn’t have the right tools to be as good as we could be. 现在我们是. 萨那正在帮助我们按照自己的价值观生活.”


Learning 和 Development is what connects our employees, 和 it’s a critical function for us. 拥有85家子公司和2家,300 employees globally—和 a small head office of just 20 people—we needed a robust learning platform that could glue us all together in a motivating 和 natural way. 萨那是我们的平台.

在实施Sana之前,我们没有一个学习系统. We ran AddLife Academy—our classroom 和 e-learning training—over Teams. 我们为它感到骄傲,它的质量非常好. But we couldn’t see which courses employees had completed or offer them a next step.

Sana allowed us to bring all of our employees into one system 和 go far beyond just learning 和 development. 它已经成为培育和深化我们文化的重要方式. 萨那是一个建立人际关系的地方, 了解同事, 分享关于最佳实践的知识, 和 find company information—as well as hosting all of our training sessions.

We own 和 acquire companies in niche segments with offerings aimed at the healthcare sector. So one powerful way for us to add a lot of value is to upskill employees in key areas 和 improve overall company performance. We’ve always prided ourselves on being good at knowledge-sharing 和 networking. But we didn’t have the right tools to be as good as we could be. 现在有了萨娜,我们就有了. 它帮助我们实现我们的价值观.

“We see internal knowledge- 和 最佳实践分享 as an important effort to improve our KPIs. 我认为这将对我们产生重大影响.”

Boosting engagement 和 completion rates of 强制性的培训

在与Sana合作之前,我们所有的工作都是手动完成的. 我们偶尔发邮件, 内联网上发布的信息, 并使用团队进行培训研讨会. 这既耗时又难以追踪. I was traveling around the world, hosting workshops on improving sales performance. 萨那取代了这一切.

I started my search with 12 potential LMS platforms 和 a vision for the learning experience. 我们想要一个人们可以每天使用的平台来上课, 问问题, 并连接到公司内部更大的网络. 对我们来说,这是一个至关重要的决定.

大多数供应商都专注于自主学习体验, 在协作和网络功能上也很弱. Sana didn’t have all of the features we were looking for from day 1, 但它们是路线图的一部分. 我看到他们移动得有多快. 现在Sana是我们唯一使用的系统.

One of the first things we published in Sana was our m和atory code of conduct. Compliance is important to us—we track the completion rate to ensure people are upholding our st和ards. 在Sana,我们已经达到了97%的最高完成率. (员工离职和入职之间总会有一段空档期.) It’s because we can have the training in seven different languages, 但仍然很容易跟进报道. 该平台的UI让用户体验更有吸引力.

We also started sharing our financial reports 和 have seen a 365% increase in the number of views in Sana compared to sending it through Hubspot. The engagement rate is much higher than it was before because our employees know if it comes through Sana, 它会更容易接近, 互动, 和迷人的.


One of the biggest advantages of Sana is that everyone working in sales has access to the foundational knowledge they need. The bar to create 和 categorize content is also much lower now, 这对我们来说是一个巨大的效率胜利. Since we don’t have the central resources to create all the learning content for all our subsidiaries, 我们总是需要子公司来做这件事, 但在萨那之前很少有人这么做.

我们在西班牙的Sana使用率最高, where they’re even creating courses in Sana on how to use Sana for themselves. Product managers in one of our Spanish subsidiaries create their trainings in Sana Live, Sana的互动虚拟教室, so the sales reps underst和 the complex products they’re selling. The tool empowers 和 enables the managers to meet this responsibility more easily 和 more effectively.

The learning experience for our sales reps is also more engaging 和 collaborative now. Sana Live的反射卡是一个重要原因. 它们是我们的重要工具. 参与者可以提问, see what others are writing 和 have a dialogue with the trainer 和 the other learners. All of a sudden, the sessions are more tailored, 和 it deepens their learning experience.

Now if you’re a product manager in Spain, you’re required to host all of your training in Sana Live. 你不允许使用团队. That’s the way we're heading with the whole organization, 和 we’re taking it one step at a time.


我们最引以为豪的努力是我们的最佳实践分享. 我们有这么多优秀的员工, but the wider organization hasn’t been able to benefit from their skills. Now, every month, one employee records a video to share a best practice on a specific topic.

A year from now, I want Sana to be the go-to place for our employees on a daily basis. Just as you open Outlook first thing in the morning, you also open Sana. 我们正朝那边走. Most of our employees are so happy that we offer them a system with these kinds of opportunities.
















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